Message from @ニガーファーホット
Discord ID: 533093595234697229
@Potato Man Love you boo
@Potato Man bigman if you want a sharpie down your japs eye cool
hairy bastatd
how can you love lorne hes 5'4
but allow it
Short people deserve love damnit
looks like the dicks got eyes
the other picture
short people deserve a short life
Short people deserve to be at dick swinging level for being short.
Dazzie likes trailer Park boys?
@greydudebro who doesn’t
@SpaghettiFan123 <:whitey:467822735624765441>
I know it's the best show
@greydudebro no
@ニガーファーホット ooohhh nooeeess dont tell me to leave again I cannot cope
such wit
Well that's an opinion. Not gonna stop me watching it
Can whiteys meme?
ah shit
then you ping ruger in nsfw
after that you ping ruger in nsfw