Message from @Borvain
Discord ID: 533271168849936385
most people think its real
if he is a troll, he may only be eclipsed by dankula shitposting his way into the EU Parliament
like a real deal
so I think tex is real
Tex is a top bloke
If that’s what you want to say that as sure
He is an alchemist ruger
Tex is the supreme of shitposting
no way someone that legit braindead could ever RP such a degenerate downy shitposting drunkard
aight so yer part of Big Pharma, bish bash bosh, judaism linked to a "problem"
Oh man didn’t think about that.
the theory is airtight my dude
The Jews are messing with our drugs man - Tex at some point
Y'see this wasnt reported in this newspaper and so that newspaper is owned by (((them))) so it was a ploy all along
tex is like a madman like hitler sort of?
its such an easy cop out argument and scapegoat, no wonder the alt-right have lapped it up like braindead sheep
if there is an issue with the world. it always links back to the jews
imagine shitposting unironically
economic recession = jews
what a depressing thought
nah tex is at heart actually a decent guy
Will agree
I like him.
I mean, he is sound. But some of this thoughts are batshit
Economic recession = Lazy fucks shooting out babies and living off the government
I tell him about drugs. He seems interested.
part troll, part real
the abuse the town drunkard tex meme is fun but its just a joke at the end of the day
his heart is in the right place he just came to the wrong conclusions