Message from @a.pod2994
Discord ID: 534255626079961111
Or a Luke's wife movie
@Questgiver you could say Luke is a bit Gary stuish, but Luke at least had flaws he needed to overcome. Rey has literally no weaknesses.
Vader vacuum
A Darth Nihilus movie would've been bitchin too
@Gridley she is constantly held back by her own hangups about waiting for her parents
And Luke was like CYA BEN
Have I told you the tragedy of Darth Plageus the Wise?
That's not a weakness. Thats just being indecisive. Its not interesting and its not good writing.
indecisiveness is a weakness
I liked her mentor
The black dude in power armor
i wouldbt say im indecisive on a cv
But they killed him the second he came on screen
Rotten tomatoes says it all
They also killed off the silver girl storm trooper
Which both could've been neat
But no
Nah they could've made her cool and original but she ended up being nothing but Cannon fodder
Just like fett
im not saying rey is a great character, im saying its stupid to say rey is a mary sue without also saying luke and anakin are
i dont understand how finn ended up as a stormtrooper, i thought they were all clones of boba
She is though
No they explain that the empire moved away from clones
That part I'm fine with
must have missed that bit lol
And you're thinking of the clones.
play the og battlefront 2 @THCVee
Yeah they mention something about how "Maybe the empire should go back to a clone army"
@THCVee The clone system was disbanded after the empire was instated
Clones are expensive. Kidnapped Slave army is cheap
ahh fairs
Clones got expensive and they ran out of genetic material
anakin is a mary sue guys