Message from @Auto-Elf
Discord ID: 534743157993373696
Ahhh, well enjoy your small slice of peace. @Kareemstar
Donny has no hair i heard
tattoo'd it on
@fuzzyplant he doesnt
Honestly, I only said Lorne was funny because Ratking said he wasn’t and Ratking isn’t allowed to be right ever.
Fooseytube style
backwards everything is why
not a single hair grows above the eyeline
good point @Kareemstar
hi pip
hi ben
nice shop
looks like a wig
nobody's fooled
not even for a second
@V3xxed_G1raff3 nice
nice toupe ya bald fuck
yes on the back and chin
You look like my ex
@Miri was your ex trash?
If it's real, video yourself shaving it off
@Kareemstar yep
Was your ex bald?
miri looks like tumblr spat her out.
@Crawfoot your ex probably looked like a bag of coal
@Miri then don’t compare me to that pussy nigga
I'm with Aya lol, it looks like a ripped Belle Delphine pic
@Miri send thighs
@V3xxed_G1raff3 sure
not 2d enough