Message from @Papi_Ravioli
Discord ID: 534748214537224202
You look like Mike Perry
those are short shorts
who likes short shorts
I love short shorts
he likes short shorts
They’re not short shorts
They’re silkies
Especially the jeans ones where you can see the pockets
cmon ur the only one not posting em dino
Does watching boku no picu make you a nonce
ill post em
Okay, then post hands instead @Dino
I'll post
I hope you dream of a horny slug
dont know what that is and i dont want to know
Giant horny slug
slug love is beautiful and sacred
post thighs until dino does
@Papi_Ravioli no it makes you a fucking paedo fuck off
the congealed ooze of sexual selection cannot be disgusting
I hope you dream that all your fingers are dicks
I've had that dream
Of varying colours and sizes
mt hands are horrible
it was great
You lie
Rest well
I handfucked a park bench
I'll post hands if dino does
it was amazing
Real men wear amarican flag boxers
loads of scars the fingers point in the wrong direction and the viens are really visable
@Kareemstar think she wants ur dick
real men wear camo bandannas @Miri u homo
@Karpo you think I lie, but I had that one after discovering shitting dick nipples on chan back in the day. The dick fingers were the least disturbing part of the dream by far
right, I'm off to dream of more pleasant things