Message from @V3xxed_G1raff3
Discord ID: 534823601237393408
By a black man and his cousin
She was alleged to have had an affair with her husband's cousin
Absolute cuckold
litterally cucked
lol are you serious
u wot
This is why you beat your wife
his cock must be rotten
Fucker looks like doc ock in Spiderman ps4
fuck me he looks like mossad with 30 years added on
Oda oda
30? that's generous
ahh the hairline isnt far enough back
Where is the link to brexit shit
beat ya too it jackie
he should have just have admitted defeat and shaved.
they disabled the live chat
dont want any dissent
i like his tie
markets are taking all this well <:KEK:405893303259627520>
Can't wait for the morning <:kek:412369034940645386>
country is shite
28 days later type beat
put that in yer bookmarks
Fuck my sides
must be stressful being the speaker
Pounds going to drop like yer maws knickers.
controlling the chimps that run the country