Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 534830091344150561
When Disney claims a star wars fanfilm on YouTube that wasn't monetized because the rules they gave the maker said no muneh get from video so they could make money off someone else's work
You guys should just say fuck it and become a monarchy again
Empire with what like
And also retake India
Unite the commonwealth under the flag of the British empire. Impose the pound
we still are a constitutional monarchy
Hey you can drag us Aussie niggas back
Empire with one aircraft carrier and 90k troops and about 100 tanks.
yeah, recolonise Africa.
Unify the Celts delete England
Wow that was a large discord update.
i love how every conversation on this server eventually ends up on the topic of nuking each other
Almost heaven
West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains
300 hundred still no one knows
Shennandoah river
Country roads
Lets a goooo
Its a meee
Frig off
@Dont Step On My Hotel fuck off
@Dont Step On My Hotel <#418503124001488896>
Fucking actual limb.
bad mage
no post
Don't care