Message from @NiggerLyncher
Discord ID: 310166204033662976
never forget
bro mlpol didn't die, 4chan is for cucks
fucking pony nig kek
mlpol fucking triggered reddit fags like no tommorow
it was beautiful
ponut separates the plebs from the patricians
god fucking damn i just want to cum into some pony pussy
i haven't given a shit about the show in ages but muh dick knows what's good for me mang
You need to make a visit to Mike pence
Got some issues boy
Bronies are mentally ill like trannies. Gas chamber for all
Pence on his way in 30 minutes
someone please post brass balls pence memes
Mike pence 15 minutes away
Does anyone have that pic of gay mike pence
I'm hoping that shit isn't true
He shocked himself straight
Only 2 more hours of work
Then I get taken away by the alcohol jew
the alcohol juden