Message from @knightwithadullblade
Discord ID: 536270944881344527
atomikov what are you doing
Wasn't that good tbh, Karpo. I got annoyed I didnt finish in her poon
posting ketchup with no context
but *why*
with enough frustration, any hole's a goal, including park benches.
Legit annoyed
aya no
that's nonsense
anal is gay
aya yes
aya nein
aya ja
aya a-nein
Sex is cool but its annoying how far ahead you have to plan. Like what if you meet someone on a night out and cant find a parrot or gallon of baked beans at that time of night.
I know what you mean quest, it's so hard to find a midget without a diversity hire budget these days
fucking cunts allegedly recording shit
Sex is all that matters
wait what's being recorded?
@TheTrash(boat)Man idk if that was real
let's roll mate
@Tea false. cuddles too
ledts roll;
and i mean, its my fault but i have to look up the custard recipe EVER TIME aya
I want to grapple with you mate
i believe it would give us a deeper connection man i swear