Message from @sweatercowsandsass

Discord ID: 536351228100345866

2019-01-20 01:03:50 UTC  

oof megamax

2019-01-20 01:03:55 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:04:15 UTC  

gtfo and go to the emergency room you faggot

2019-01-20 01:04:38 UTC  

you're obviously having a stroke

2019-01-20 01:04:58 UTC  

not to my knowledge

2019-01-20 01:05:08 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:05:21 UTC  

you people make me wanna commit evil

2019-01-20 01:05:34 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:05:50 UTC  

How edgy

2019-01-20 01:05:57 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:06:04 UTC  

commit aliven'tn'tn't

2019-01-20 01:06:06 UTC  

What're you gonna do? Drink straight from the carton?

2019-01-20 01:06:08 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:06:22 UTC  

atomikov how many negatives is that

2019-01-20 01:07:14 UTC  

2019-01-20 01:07:26 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:07:28 UTC  

so -

2019-01-20 01:07:38 UTC  

So why is the bot mentioning me every hour with that gif??

2019-01-20 01:07:53 UTC  

+announce "quote goes here"

2019-01-20 01:07:54 UTC  

​You are not authorised to use this command: `server manager`
Only members with Manage Channels can use this command.

2019-01-20 01:08:17 UTC  

Yeah I get thats what they have done but who and why lmao

2019-01-20 01:08:25 UTC  

why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2019-01-20 01:08:37 UTC  

cause you smell like eggs i guess

2019-01-20 01:08:40 UTC  

@blazn_ push to talk, thanks.

2019-01-20 01:08:51 UTC  

its enforced

2019-01-20 01:08:51 UTC  

im on push to talk nigga

2019-01-20 01:08:52 UTC  

Too hungover for this lmao

2019-01-20 01:08:54 UTC  

what you mean?

2019-01-20 01:09:03 UTC  

@AstroTorch whats enforced?

2019-01-20 01:09:13 UTC  

push to talk in the stream channel

2019-01-20 01:09:15 UTC

2019-01-20 01:09:19 UTC  

Ah right yeah

2019-01-20 01:09:23 UTC  

Do you ever see an image that makes you say "Jesus fucking christ, what?"

2019-01-20 01:09:30 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:09:39 UTC  

That picture of your chin, butt

2019-01-20 01:09:44 UTC  


2019-01-20 01:09:44 UTC

2019-01-20 01:09:53 UTC  

self inserts gay

2019-01-20 01:09:53 UTC

2019-01-20 01:09:57 UTC  

I found this somewhere

2019-01-20 01:10:04 UTC  

Idk what to say--