Message from @AK
Discord ID: 536700281258377237
“Lol I raped your kid le epic troll style”
@everyone Say hello to the latest server nonce to show their kiddie fiddling face, @XRazenBrandX
And comfy.
@𝓥𝓮𝓬𝓱 「MOTIVATED」 *lol don't @ me huhuhuh*
@XRazenBrandX shit name btw
@XRazenBrandX rest in peace. you filthy degenerate
see this is why you dont post kiddie porn
Why hello there
@XRazenBrandX kys
Why are you not just banning him?
you cause this
@XRazenBrandX how do you like yourself cooked well done or charcoal
Why are you keeping him in here
@𝓥𝓮𝓬𝓱 「MOTIVATED」 Because nothing TOS breaking has been posted as of yet.
Absolute degenerate 👌
Well that’s a shame.
Morning degenerates
Hheeyy Todd
Delete account @XRazenBrandX
this is why you do not post loli. you fucking mongoloids
Cute kitties
This cat an asshole
@Spork molk u want to see my kitty
Waits until im about up to mix my flour
Comes and lays in my lap
No i cant leave