Message from @Dolphin Attorney
Discord ID: 539524210096078878
Why Disney
why not
Lol I just came here and I'm already getting a dick shoven into my face? That's nice
@killy @ tex, he'll keep you safe
Who again?
tex, the brigade's golden boy
He's a thirsty nigga with a hairy ass from Texas @killy
Tell him you're gay and jewish he'll be extra nice
@Balkan Twat you mean that dude karpo?
No it's two different guys
Well ugh that's nice ig
karpo is an arab in canadaland
tex is a texan femboy
*keep your dick in your pants ffs*
i'm not sure you need to direct her to thirsty people lmao
Two dick at once huh? Don't think I can handle that much lmao
tex has asked for nudes in every e-girl's dms, we gotta keep the tradition going
Oh, well sorry but I'm not an e-girl
do you have a dick
then you're an e-girl
u sure?
do you have a very sensitive bump above your slit
Oh Tex won't be interested if you don't have one sorry @killy
I am physically cringing right now looking at you all trying to talk to girls lmbao
if yes
ur e-girl
DOS prompt
LK2 has a good story
dazzie is the chad flirter