Message from @Crocodillo
Discord ID: 278029785509265408
My neighborhood is kinda messy atm so it might help spread it if I do work
OK, last night there seemed like there was quite a bit on the agenda. I personally think we'll have the most momentum just defending against the Antifa scourge in the beginning. If theres a desire for more we could then keep adding stuff
ah, yeah that's the most likely location fr them to do shit
altho they have a lot of fuckheads in knox
We need to all be this kid
Why was he blocking the camera?
Hey, can someone send me the blank template for the Anticom emblem?
like, the one with the blank center
Yea hold on
yeah yellow outer circle is good
I personally don't like the snake at all.
With text? @Crocodillo
Have we discussed tactical goals at all? Is this where we would do so?
@OneLessRed - TN We need at least some sort of symbol to unify us all as an organization
I think if not a snake, at least a shield or some sort of royal animal
Shield is very easy to draw too
In like the sheild for it's simplicity and relevance to a group that's defending people
easy to stencil if need be
@Anticom LR#9355 you're right. The snake we have rn is just poorly done in my opinion. I also this just a crossed out hammer and sickle really gets the message across at a glance.
Then again a crossed out hammer and sickle might not be best for normies
Crossed out hammer and sickle is a generic thing we could use in our organization, but if we literally use that as the symbol of our organization we wont be taken seriously
tactical goal - make sure we can have Gavin, Milo, Spencer, Shapiro events run without being cancelled
I like the symbolism of the snake cause of the scales symbolism + the symbolism of negativity towards antifa in this sense, but at the same time, yeah biblical reasons
@Cœur de Lion There arte also Trump marches coming up
Tactical goal - protect all free speech and events from antifa
yeah in 4 years if trump goes for reelection it's gonna be chaos
On March 4th
Vox Day suggested that groups focus on citizens arrests doing violent protests, which I think would be an awesome goal. I think this would be easy to do with minimal skills and organization if we had a team of guys with riot shields and a group with zipstrips
im not tryna get a kidnapping charge
We're civillians, not the cops