Message from @Papa Benz
Discord ID: 540787456388104222
wtf is going on
no clue
it's just cyberfrog being lit
Good morning
If you get high ping me
How is everyone?
might take my kit home
@Clitoris Obliteris is retarded
smoking kit.
Why are you guys upset?
never upset
i have no soul
I have an un-usual amount of dopamine in my neurosystem
im upset because i feel lazy
So im dumb happy right now
I want to make someone’s day even 1% better
i hate those classes
But the comfy chair has held me prisoner
Btw hi lorne
fuck off
Oh hi Lorne
@Potato @Leeroy @FUCK fire @Maxalot hi lorne
<:pepega:537028896437174292> 📣 **I am fuckin' tired, I am physically ill, I'm still gonna swing my hammer and chains 'til my eyes roll back every day**
<:pepega:537028896437174292> 📣 **The only threat to mercy I have is pain and that shit ain't in short supply. Zoloft in my zone until i get my fill or I'm so goddamn happy I cry. Blood comin' out of my nose. Smile on my face. Running from God. Livin' for pain. Howlin' at the moon on my borrowed time, whippin' & sleepin' in the Devil's ride. Ain't got nothin' and I don't want any more. Forever rotten to the fucking core.**
But who is the real Lorne
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...