Message from @THE KEK
Discord ID: 277674262817669121
@Odalist Refrain No kitten sir
Be suspicious of anyone donating server space
Best to just buy fresh, it's cheap
oh ok that's fair
Use Ocean or whatever it's called, forgot the name
Koddos once they start ddosing you
They're ddosing the antifa dox database and it's only slowing me down a little LOL
He looks Argentinian
Fuck off with your bogdanoff shit
Aka Mulhouse 2017
i still have no clue if Antifa are the good guys or the bad guys
richfags should be in charge of giving out things like helmets and gear in case of happenings
@THE KEK The bad goys, obviously
is this the place to ask these kind of questions? like why are so many members of Antifa anarco communists?
>doesn't know if they are good or bad
hi vice
Anarcho-communist =/= anarcho-capitalist, quite the opposite actually
>knows they are mostly anarchy commutes
Hello vice / buzzfeed
Pls name me in your blog article
I want to read about how a shadowy figure known as Doctor Piss is leading the effort to dox all antifa
she seems like a nice women
sorry english not first language
just wanna say thank you for organizing this. i dreamed just about the same thing a couple weeks ago. an outwardly normie conservative defense force filled with /ourguys/ dedicated to training and defending from the antifash hordes, we'll get lots of support the first time we're successful, eventually might even get good money from crowdfunding on normie pages, now that antifa violence is mainstream. I don't have the time or money to dedicate right now but I'm glad somebody does and I will be able to join someday.
can someone give me a quick rundown on Anticom
@doctorpiss how can we trust some random wordpress install though
that's bad infosec
Also guys remember to add antifa dox, read about their tactics, read their dox etc
Lol scrub
Ok. I have a question