Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 277837270348857344
That, or cryptocurrency fascism
Im bored, gonna go read
I want to marry a traditional women who will care for my kids
see you in a few hours lads
@Iamawesom Welcome to the club
pretty sure I screwed up that quote but whatever. Sorry to hear than Steve
Remember to like and follow @everyone
Thx fam
I don't have a Faceberg account
That's fine
Alice adoption is a good choice
>using Facebook in 2017
Facebook is ugly as fuck
Yes but it is normie central
I have fake accounts for antifa groups @Miomio
behind seven proxies of course
There is also ... do you like boys or girls?
I think what using twitter is better
heh, depends
He's not minomio
trust me
I was talking to Alice
Who is Alice?
Its the adoption program right?
I personally despise fakebook but I have it because I have friends across the country and I can get news from them
@Steven do I like boys or girls as in what kids I want?
sadly my friends had a miscarriage recently ;-;
Depending on Alices preferance determins differant ways to have children
What do you mean by "preference?"
Well if you like girls there is artificial insemination
I want a mix of kids