Message from @Mad French
Discord ID: 277426687426297856
yeah haha
Talking about bug out bags for if this shit turns into a straight up civil war.
I want a gun that I only havce to fire once.
No such thing
Well white race is dead now
new to the chat any NatSoc brothers here?
nifty revolvers, unica is way too gimmicky, but i love the rhino, gotta find out what that ppc branded model is
Ooooh, baby, now i love slab sided shrouds
Do it
k be right back
***D O N ' T L E T Y O U R D R E A M S B E D R E A M S***
*M A K E Y O U R D R E A M S C O M E T R U E*
How're you doin', lad?
i'm trying to make this bot works but it doesn't
>using bots
Complete waste of time.
>Not using ErisBot
Anyone on?
Nothin' much.
Gettin' ready to go zero a scope.
Nice, its real quiet on the chat rn, wonder whats on?
Chat's been quiet since the night it was shilled on 8/pol/.
Mustve missed that, what happened?