Message from @mAri

Discord ID: 313076667851735041


maybe this wil go sooner then we all think

NK firing nuke

NATO agression towards Russia

trump being forced to enter the war against Russia due to still being in NATO

NATO pushes to moscow Russia activates death hand

NATO cannot enter moscow so fires a nuke

nuke explodes which causes death hand to fire at the entirety of europe and america causing nuclear holocaust

A nuclear devastation, lingering nuclear radiation, reduced food availability due to radioactive contamination, an accelerated rise of the sea level, and world-wide mass migrations/relocations.

thing is rising sea level could only be caused by warming

currently it only goes up 1 and a half foot a year

maybe 2038

hm maybe im thinking wrong here

currently there are 3 superpowers in the world

what if a 4th one rises

2017-05-13 22:10:25 UTC  

That's absurd

2017-05-13 22:10:55 UTC  

Do you actually believe the sea level is rising?

2017-05-13 22:11:39 UTC  

it's all about control and conqure

@mAri i kinda explained it wrong

but like nukes warming up the earth

2017-05-13 22:14:54 UTC  

I don't know a lot about nukes

2017-05-13 22:15:00 UTC  

They might do that

2017-05-13 22:15:06 UTC  

Or they could make it colder

talking about nuclear holocaust

well they initially

warm it up heavily

then nuclear winter sets in

how fast is NK rocket progression

they keep testing

they are actively researching better stuff

i'd say 2038 is when things get hot

nk becomes superpower possibly?


trump is trying to prevent this

obama didnt say much about NK

neither did hillary

2017-05-13 22:17:08 UTC  

Obama didn't do shit

2017-05-13 22:17:13 UTC  

"Strategic patience" lmfao

if the shills stayed in power

then NK would be a big power in 2038

so i hope trump will do something about this