Message from @mAri

Discord ID: 313077250968780810

2017-05-13 22:11:39 UTC  

it's all about control and conqure

@mAri i kinda explained it wrong

but like nukes warming up the earth

2017-05-13 22:14:54 UTC  

I don't know a lot about nukes

2017-05-13 22:15:00 UTC  

They might do that

2017-05-13 22:15:06 UTC  

Or they could make it colder

talking about nuclear holocaust

well they initially

warm it up heavily

then nuclear winter sets in

how fast is NK rocket progression

they keep testing

they are actively researching better stuff

i'd say 2038 is when things get hot

nk becomes superpower possibly?


trump is trying to prevent this

obama didnt say much about NK

neither did hillary

2017-05-13 22:17:08 UTC  

Obama didn't do shit

2017-05-13 22:17:13 UTC  

"Strategic patience" lmfao

if the shills stayed in power

then NK would be a big power in 2038

so i hope trump will do something about this

no one can stop kim from pressing that button once he is strong enough

he will strike ALL his perceived enemies

By the year 2038 North Korea would have developed and improved both the missile delivery and nuclear technology, and it could have ample time to produce well over one hundred nuclear warheads. If North Korea were to explode a multitude of nuclear warheads at different parts of the planet, the wind and rain would carry the radioactivity to the rest of the planet.

2017-05-13 22:20:47 UTC  

I think he's just bullshitting

RIght now he is

2017-05-13 22:21:11 UTC  

You have to justify spending that much on the military

2017-05-13 22:21:15 UTC  

If your people are starving

2017-05-13 22:21:23 UTC  

He justifies it by saying he's gonna attack everyone

im actually seeing kim as the fucking antichrist atm

2017-05-13 22:21:49 UTC  

He's justifying it to his people, he wouldn't do it

2017-05-13 22:21:54 UTC  

Because they can shoot it down

true true

The three superpowers may indeed have the most sophisticated weapon systems and powerful armies, but of what value would all their sophisticated weapon systems be if their respective countries have been contaminated by massive radioactivity blown in by wind and rain?

they dont have to hit cities

as long as they get polluted

North Korea has no national heritage or national legacy. Furthermore, the North Korean government has no checks and balances. North Korea is Kim Jong-un, nothing else counts. Kim Jong-un does not even care about his own relatives. He does not care about his own people. Would he care about the rest of the world, especially if he knows that he has amassed a plethora of nuclear toys, enough to pollute the entire atmosphere? An equally important concern is, “who would, within his government, dare to advise him otherwise, or prevent him from carrying out his order?” His generals are scared to death of him.

there is a possibility for civil war in usa