Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 525107290416611328
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello @Bud, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @Potato, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consen
There is not a giveme with that name on this server.
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello <@416833007345991695>, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent
Hello @Deleted User, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
+given consent
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
I have assigned that role.
Hello @Deleted User, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @ThatDudeWTheLip, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello <@525108576138821672>, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
uhhh how do I join
like uuuuhhhhh i'm uhhhh tryna get into the normal chats bois how do?
Hello @toxic, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
ach he wasn't lying i'm so sorry for the inconvenience my boi I came in expecting less than truth lmao
I have assigned that role.
Hello @Samy, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
+giveme consent
Hello @Deleted User, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
I have assigned that role.
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent