Message from @42
Discord ID: 525090619933196308
I cannot run this command as you have been botbanned on this server.
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello @Niaoyisheng, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello @WEDNESDAY, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello @reo, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @Astronomical-110, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @spiritupgrades, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @p a d d y p o w e r, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @Friendly Farmer Thomer, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @FE-EBLE, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent
Hello @Bud, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
Hello @Potato, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consen
There is not a giveme with that name on this server.
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
Hello <@416833007345991695>, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
+giveme consent
Hello @Deleted User, you must consent to the The Magna Scata™ in <#418467477207646238> before you can enter the server
+giveme consent
+given consent
+giveme consent
+giveme consent
I have assigned that role.
I have assigned that role.