Message from @esgee
Discord ID: 279338680903270400
A mainland invasion would have seen both sides using nuclear mortars
@ "jap holocaust"
The russians then captured china and best korea, looting the jap atomic project
And thus the cold war
??? This voice chat ???
feck awf
OwO whats this?
Everyone hated the jews and praised hitler before the war
Propaganda made him evil
not his actions
I want hitler to feel my hot cum
>tfw hitler had Eva but he didn't have you
man of the year 1938 pre-US war
We couldn't even follow german rocket building instructions
things invented by germans
We had to let the germans do it
New record on stair machine with body armor on
I need body armor
>assault rifles
Still working on using thigh rigs and side panels to make 3-sided ballistic pauldrons
>remote bombs
Don't use thigh riga
>shaped charges
You want as much off your legs
>jets that function
>affordable and functioning high-quality cars
I need some sort of shoulder-based molle panel
You seriously don't want that