Message from @Colonel Sanders™
Discord ID: 535521782430695444
They have a use
but in my opinion the government should spend only on police fire military etc
Not on social benefits
So no safety net?
At least not 1t a year for a safety net
Guess old people gotta starve to death in the streets if they don’t save up for retirement 🤷
Guess poor kids can’t get surgery without their family going bankrupt 🤷
Or they could get insurance but it’s ok
Oh yeah I forgot insurance is free
I was about to say
Oh wait making health insurance free = Soviet Union got it
Costs less than going bankrupt
Yeah true even if they don’t make enough to actually pay for insurance they can pretend to have the money and give the insurance companies Monopoly money good point
so Medicare is supposed to cure all this
Which is “free”
If someone is born with a disability preventing them from working I guess they just gotta starve in the streets haha
I actually agree with that
Bet if a loved one had a disability you wouldn’t agree 🤷
Don’t know
Probly not
social security and medicare are useless and don't help
"If someone is born with a disability preventing them from working I guess they just gotta starve in the streets haha
They have a use
there are private charities, churches etc
Charity works better than government aid
You know you were getting memed the entire time right
HAHA hilarious
I thought it was obvious but sarcasm doesn’t translate through text
So my b
I mean I thought it was funny