Message from @Mr1Gonzalez

Discord ID: 540090628642439179

2019-01-30 06:30:07 UTC  

And if every company leaves America when that happens then you can take your revenge on me

2019-01-30 08:04:40 UTC  

@wahx nope abolish the minimum wage

2019-01-30 08:04:44 UTC  

It shouldn’t exist

2019-01-30 08:04:52 UTC  

It just leads to less employed and inflation

2019-01-30 08:05:18 UTC  

In a free market people’s purchasing power would be damn high, and businesses would pay high enough

2019-01-30 08:05:29 UTC  

We need that deflation

2019-01-30 08:05:52 UTC  

**”All I am advocating for is that companies pay their employees so they can work full time (40 hours) and not be in poverty by modern definitions, maybe raise a kid, and honestly, the companies that can’t provide that can piss off.”**

No that’s shit

2019-01-30 08:06:10 UTC  

If you do a job that isn’t worth 15 dollars an hour, it isn’t worth 15 dollars. You can expect both 40 hours and 15 dollars

2019-01-30 08:06:20 UTC  

Or you’ll have inflation and lower employment

2019-01-30 08:06:33 UTC  

Just look at Sweden and such with real unemployment in the 17%s

2019-01-30 08:06:49 UTC  

They literally count anyone receiving benefits as employed with the government LOL

2019-01-30 08:09:50 UTC  

“Labour market programs”

2019-01-30 08:10:13 UTC  

And if you count the workforce that can work who are early retired and/or on welfare

2019-01-30 08:10:20 UTC  

It’s around 20%-25%+

2019-01-30 08:10:23 UTC  

That’s dogshit

2019-01-30 08:12:25 UTC  

So no we don’t want to be like Sweden with high as shit unemployment

2019-01-30 08:12:27 UTC  

That’s inefficient

2019-01-30 08:38:01 UTC  

@wahx yes but macro and micro Econ go hand in hand, you’re staying it as if they are two separate entities. Also companies should not be entitled to make sure all of their staff can afford a 2-3 person home. No. Minimum wage means what it is. The least amount you can live off of. Which I personally was able to make a surplus off minimum wage and save money for movies and what have you throughout my senior year high school while paying rent equivalent to a studio apartment and paying for my own phone bill. The fact that people are becoming entitled to ridiculous wages for minimal work proves how people in this country are. You have no proof and have yet to provide any where a single man/woman can not provide for theirselves while working a minimum wage full time job with no extreme variables. Fact of the matter is if you look at their expenses, most single incomes that do this either smoke (which increases their liabilities) or some other venture that they should not be getting into. There’s no justifiable reason why a 30+ year old should be making minimum wage. When you can prove otherwise then I can take your theories seriously

2019-01-30 08:40:27 UTC  

In fact I can guarantee you I can find 100 times the amount of people that will showcase entitlement for stuff they have no business to be entitled for, even asking for people to give them free things. Show me what you come up with and I’ll return with a list

2019-01-30 08:41:02 UTC  

Again, you may point “that’s micro and not macro” but when it comes to minimum wages, that goes hand and hand, there’s no disproving that.

2019-01-30 08:47:20 UTC

2019-01-30 10:04:54 UTC  

Damn right

2019-01-30 11:49:53 UTC  

Consider in sociology what we call the structural functionalism theory.

2019-01-30 11:50:41 UTC  

Macroeconomists are wrong in general things

Microeconomicsts are wrong on the specifics

2019-01-30 11:53:35 UTC  

The minimum wage should not exist nor should the welfare state

2019-01-30 11:59:49 UTC  

If you eliminate minimum wage, and pay them more, a live-able wage, then you have to increase the cost of goods that are being sold to be able to pay those employees better. And the modern consumer is already taxed to death as it is, the cost of living keeps rising and some jobs don’t give raises. Mine hasn’t in years. We can’t afford higher prices.

2019-01-30 12:00:22 UTC  

Eliminate the min wage, and let deflation happen

2019-01-30 12:00:31 UTC  

Wage rises should only happen when the business wants

2019-01-30 12:00:33 UTC  

Not forced

2019-01-30 12:00:50 UTC  

Sorry but someone flipping burgers shouldn’t make anywhere near as much as me

2019-01-30 12:00:55 UTC  

There should be mass price deflation now

2019-01-30 12:01:04 UTC  

Inflation is theft

2019-01-30 12:01:27 UTC  

Dude the FED has a 2% inflation target

2019-01-30 12:01:30 UTC  

That’s so retsrded

2019-01-30 12:01:41 UTC  

Abolish the fed and return to the gold standard

2019-01-30 12:01:48 UTC  

What did I go to college for if someone will make near as much as I do for less effort?

2019-01-30 12:02:23 UTC  

I agree with that, the fed is the problem.

2019-01-30 12:02:42 UTC

2019-01-30 12:02:46 UTC  

The fed should not exist

2019-01-30 12:02:57 UTC  

The printing of money needs to end

2019-01-30 12:03:05 UTC  

But the elite have a tendency to “off” those who try.... they tried with Andrew Jackson several times, jfk, etc