Message from @Crasseus

Discord ID: 488143909172543488

2018-09-08 00:48:45 UTC  

Trump just became mccain.

2018-09-08 05:21:23 UTC Trumptards disrespecting the United States of America

2018-09-08 05:24:20 UTC  

why are you here

2018-09-08 15:01:41 UTC  

@Milk Why are you?

2018-09-08 20:48:50 UTC  

Because I'm a conservatard

2018-09-08 23:45:09 UTC  

Konig is just a remedial #resistance member. Something to point and laugh at. @Milk

2018-09-09 00:14:29 UTC  

What’s the difference?

2018-09-09 00:16:34 UTC  

I heard someone say nazis are retards

2018-09-09 00:16:35 UTC  

Shouldn’t you be reading muh siege and building hand crafted tiki torches?

What are you doing here beside being an annoying sperg?

2018-09-09 00:16:44 UTC  

Oh yeah

2018-09-09 00:16:46 UTC  

It was me

2018-09-09 00:17:29 UTC  


2018-09-09 00:19:47 UTC  

It's like he is trying to say something but all I see is "seig hail" :/

2018-09-09 00:20:22 UTC  

Why bother? I don’t respect you.

2018-09-09 00:20:45 UTC  

1 Seig Hail.


2018-09-09 00:20:45 UTC  

You just cry about what people post here.

2018-09-09 00:23:21 UTC  

Whats loove got to do, got to do with it

2018-09-09 00:27:19 UTC  

Aye the nazi got quiet

2018-09-09 00:27:34 UTC  

Maybe hes masturbating to Hitler.

2018-09-09 00:28:23 UTC  

Yay, the Nazi can't see me. I must be a good Jew.

2018-09-09 00:29:37 UTC  

It's funny how he has me blocked yet still has to send a message every time he sees that I posted xD

2018-09-09 02:46:24 UTC  

Yeah I saw that

2018-09-09 02:47:21 UTC  

Yo I recruited someone do I get a ranm

2018-09-09 02:47:23 UTC  


2018-09-09 02:48:22 UTC  

sure m8

2018-09-09 03:23:05 UTC  

@Deleted User I did retard

2018-09-09 03:23:37 UTC  

I avoid the word "liberal"

2018-09-09 03:23:47 UTC  

I don't insult liberals

2018-09-09 03:23:54 UTC  

I insult the left as a whole instead

2018-09-09 03:33:47 UTC  

idk what you're talking about

2018-09-09 03:37:45 UTC  


2018-09-09 12:58:50 UTC  

Chris Cuomo defends Obama’s spying on journalists. Says he rather be spied on, than be called the fake news enemy of the people.

2018-09-09 14:41:19 UTC  

“ Ex-Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos gets 14-day jail term” by C. Ryan Barber on The National Law Journal

A few things to note about this sentencing.

1. Papadopoulos was ONLY being charged with lying to the FBI. It was literally his only crime. Nothing else he did was illegal.

2. The max penalty for this crime is six months. The minimum is zero. Yes, zero.

3. The defense pushed for zero months, and the prosecution pushed for 6 months. The FBI claimed his “ lies negatively affected the FBI’s Russian investigation and prevented the FBI from effectively identifying and confronting witnesses in a timely fashion.” And because of this they pushed for the max sentence. The defense claimed he was a fool over his head that meant no harm, and was deeply remorseful.

4. The judge gave him a 14 day jail term. Which falls within the 0-6 months jail term for the crime. He didn’t give zero, because he wanted to show the world that lying to the FBI has consequences. The judge didn’t give him six, because he believed that Papadopoulos had sincere remorse.

It’s also in line with the Jail term Alexander Van Der Zwaan received for lying to the FBI. He got 30 days.

All the facts here BTFO any argument that the FBI went easy on him because he was “flipping and singing”
The FBI claimed the exact opposite, and wanted the harshest penalty possible.

2018-09-09 17:05:03 UTC  

So? What’s your point?

2018-09-09 17:09:59 UTC  

They didn’t charge him with obstruction, and he didn’t lie in a court.

2018-09-09 17:10:30 UTC  

He made a misleading statement to the FBI when they interviewed him.

2018-09-09 17:11:32 UTC  

a single count, carrying an estimated sentence of zero to six months, based on federal sentencing guidelines

2018-09-09 17:11:47 UTC  

You are wrong.

2018-09-09 17:15:18 UTC  

Debatable. They could still get access to those witnesses if they want too. The professor lives in the UK. You would also have to prove that was his intent.

2018-09-09 17:16:14 UTC  

They never even proved that this professor even has Russia ties.