Message from @Oskar636
Discord ID: 280096813623541770
lul wear a pink dress
And boy, could i grandstand about being the least degen when it comes to drug use
Damn, I didn't think Europeans were still capable of being this based
drug use is strongly correlated with intelligence
except plebs ruin it for everyone
orban is based
its almost ironic really
the only reason eastern europe isnt cucks is because communism kept them from toxic western thought
@THE IRON KENYAN Eastern Europe never underwent the ideological subversion that Western Europe and America did because the East was already under Communist control.
@James_Coney - LA calling for non-violence != commie, and he's half-right, we can't get violent (I might have missread him I'm rushing to get out the door)
gas it
also is his head fucking huge for his body
or is that juge me
nah i get u
I don't know what we'd rather be.
But let's say we did.
paneuropeanism is a mistake
Communism hindered our economy and just generally fucked our shit up regarding citizien class.
Now if we didn't have communism and we'd be in eu would we be liberal?
Probably no.
We didn't have any colonialism so no excuse for "Muh Imperialism".
What'd be left is multiculturalism.
Who knows.
Probably wouldn't work though.
the EU idea is communism
Not really.
@Void What are you reffering to?
Same cancer, different type.
EU is socialism, early stage of cancer.
Redistributing wealth.
EU was berthed from communist ties
the guy who basically came up with the EU wanted europeans to become a mongrelized hapa or 'halfrican' race
im inclined to believe statism is biological
E.U sprouted out from economic alliances, don't know much else.