Message from @Burnside
Discord ID: 280094572384616448
im gonna frame that pic
good, its a nice meaty leg
Moral of the story is pick your battles. Burnside is on our can haye him but hes on our side
i dont hate him, but telling people to stop being degenerate isn't outside the purview of anticom
modern art is all money laundering for pedophiles now anyway
I do degenerate shit too
no one is perfect
but you should be ashamed
instead of letting that flag fly
working on fixing yourself
Smoking weed helped me stop being an alcoholic
i used to smoke
honestly I still would, but I always did it in moderation
I think the enjoyment of natural herbs is pretty natural
@regularperson5656 Smoking Bud helped me quit smoking cigarettes
i prefer thyme and basil to maryj now though 😄
Regardless, question still stands, anybody with background on infil dm me, I've got two hours to pick sonething to wear and I'd greatly appreciate tips and tricks as well as any high kevel requests on what to listen for if I'm to report any juice
lul wear a pink dress
Damn, I didn't think Europeans were still capable of being this based
drug use is strongly correlated with intelligence
except plebs ruin it for everyone
orban is based
its almost ironic really
the only reason eastern europe isnt cucks is because communism kept them from toxic western thought
@THE IRON KENYAN Eastern Europe never underwent the ideological subversion that Western Europe and America did because the East was already under Communist control.
@James_Coney - LA calling for non-violence != commie, and he's half-right, we can't get violent (I might have missread him I'm rushing to get out the door)
gas it
also is his head fucking huge for his body
or is that juge me
nah i get u
I don't know what we'd rather be.
I think that if it weren't for communism we wouldn't even be in the e.u.
But let's say we did.