Message from @chad

Discord ID: 544688564773060658

2019-02-12 00:06:58 UTC  

Not muslims

2019-02-12 00:07:00 UTC  


2019-02-12 00:07:02 UTC  

Q U R A N.

2019-02-12 00:07:21 UTC  


2019-02-12 00:07:25 UTC  

Proof they are savage.

2019-02-12 00:12:08 UTC  

Which version?

2019-02-12 00:12:35 UTC  

All three groups have a different version of the Quran.

2019-02-12 00:13:05 UTC  

Just how Christians have different versions of the bible, these vary somewhat.

2019-02-12 00:14:22 UTC  

At least those savages don't agitate for LGBT garbage in America.

2019-02-12 00:16:31 UTC  

You’re being rude. You forgot the rest of the letters: LGBTQIA+

2019-02-12 00:28:17 UTC  

You are supposed to put a P in there too now.

2019-02-12 00:29:08 UTC  

P for pansexual.

2019-02-12 00:34:58 UTC  

What?! How could I be so heartless. Forgive me

2019-02-12 00:50:13 UTC  

You guys are talking like Muslims

2019-02-12 00:50:18 UTC  

As you describe them

2019-02-12 01:16:38 UTC  

The same hatred you have for Muslims is the same hatred Muslims have for Jews

2019-02-12 01:17:10 UTC  

How you don’t understand that by now is beyond me. Especially when it looks like you say shit word for word what Muslims say about Jews

2019-02-12 01:17:35 UTC  

Islam is not a religion of peace

2019-02-12 01:17:39 UTC  

> the same hatred Muslims have for Jews
Based islam HATES jews??????????????

2019-02-12 01:17:45 UTC  

holy FUCK I like islam now

2019-02-12 01:17:53 UTC  

“Savage people” go to some refugee camp in Palestine and you’ll see ppl saying the same thing about Jews

2019-02-12 01:18:38 UTC  

Islam isn’t a religion of peace or violence it’s a religion which has good passages and bad passages which can be interpreted in different ways to be used to spread good, or sadly to be used to spread hate and violence

2019-02-12 01:19:03 UTC  

Or the fact that it supports stoning women to death for adultery

2019-02-12 01:19:17 UTC  

Or killing homosexuals, or people who disagree with them

2019-02-12 01:19:28 UTC  

I don’t know any Muslims who support that shit

2019-02-12 01:19:41 UTC  

Not all of them do, but it's strongly supported

2019-02-12 01:20:11 UTC  

Even in the football matches doing a 1 minute silence for the paris attacks in countries like Azerbaijan, booed at the fact they were being silent and shouted Allahu Akbar

2019-02-12 01:20:17 UTC  

But the fact that a lot don’t should be enough to debunk Shadow’s bs claim that all Muslims are bad

2019-02-12 01:20:38 UTC  

Why should good Muslims have to be punished for the actions of other people they don’t know who happen to share the same religion

2019-02-12 01:20:42 UTC  

Not all muslims are genuinely bad, but they support a religion of murder

2019-02-12 01:20:54 UTC  

Pretty sure Shadow would be ok if people went around murdering Muslims

2019-02-12 01:20:59 UTC  

Even if they are good ppl

2019-02-12 01:21:03 UTC  

He’s a radical

2019-02-12 01:22:08 UTC  

You can still get the fucking death penalty for being gay in some muslim countries

2019-02-12 01:22:10 UTC  

>it supports stoning women to death for adultery
>killing homosexuals
Not inherently wrong!

2019-02-12 01:22:29 UTC  

WELL don't you think stoning someone to death is a LITTLE too far

2019-02-12 01:22:44 UTC  

Leviticus 20:13 King James Version (KJV)

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

2019-02-12 01:22:54 UTC  


2019-02-12 01:23:26 UTC  

We had it right back then

2019-02-12 01:23:27 UTC  


2019-02-12 01:25:05 UTC  

There's about 8 countries left that you can be killed for being gay