Message from @Colonel Sanders™

Discord ID: 552387856266559508

2019-03-05 01:39:39 UTC  

Dem states an argument:

2019-03-05 01:40:11 UTC  

Trump supporter: bUt dEmS uSeD tO bE rAcIsT iN tHe 195°Š

2019-03-05 01:40:48 UTC  

@chad you're a cis white male right?

2019-03-05 01:40:55 UTC  

Dems are the real racist and shiiit

2019-03-05 01:40:58 UTC  

and cis white males used to own slaves
so shouldn't you be to blame as well?

2019-03-05 01:44:15 UTC  


2019-03-05 01:44:18 UTC  

Why r u a doomer

2019-03-05 01:44:41 UTC  

I never understood that whole doomer zoomer boomer thing it’s so inaccurate lol

2019-03-05 01:46:03 UTC  

Trump Supporter: Socialism doesn’t work.

Sanders Supporter: It does in the Nordic Countries.

Trump Supporter: Well, that’s not Socialism.

Sanders Supporter: Then why don’t we be like the Nordic Countries?

Trump Supporter: Because that’s Socialism

2019-03-05 02:12:00 UTC  

I hate Sweden.

2019-03-05 02:12:08 UTC  

They practically treat the gays superior.

2019-03-05 02:12:33 UTC  

And the gays are still committing gays..

2019-03-05 03:56:07 UTC  

@Anon365 thats because it isnt socialisim

2019-03-05 03:56:29 UTC  

@Anon365 You want to debate facts lets debate

2019-03-05 04:01:20 UTC  

It was a joke

2019-03-05 04:01:28 UTC  

But yea

2019-03-05 04:01:32 UTC  

It isn't Socialism

2019-03-05 04:03:43 UTC  

@Aye Sure, lets debate

2019-03-05 07:11:52 UTC  

Socialism is good

2019-03-05 07:12:01 UTC  

It’s a good way to commit genocide

2019-03-05 07:12:07 UTC  

And hide it from the world

2019-03-05 09:21:17 UTC  

@Anon365 this is incorrect. Oil isn’t to blame for the state of Venezuela right now, it’s purely due to the socialist intervention they have in their economy

2019-03-05 09:21:21 UTC

2019-03-05 09:21:26 UTC  

We literally see this

2019-03-05 09:21:37 UTC  

If you put price controls on food prices, shortages are going to happen

2019-03-05 09:21:41 UTC  

This is shown. In Venezuela

2019-03-05 09:21:57 UTC  

If you put strong regulations and barriers on the economy, problems will occur and we see this

2019-03-05 09:22:24 UTC  

You’re right on spending though, they have a lack of sound money due to monetary printing which is normally done to finance things. But what did they finance ? Social programs as the price of oil was high before the oil shock decades ago, they got a lot of revenue and financed social programs. But that soon ended and then the problems started, but it did start when they nationalised the oil industry.

2019-03-05 09:22:32 UTC  

But this was all done by the state

2019-03-05 09:23:12 UTC  

@andrew it wasn’t that either

2019-03-05 09:24:00 UTC  

Leadership has almost nothing to with the crash. Centrally planned economies always fail, whether It be Soviet Union or Mao China. Or Venezuela with the government strongly intervening in the market

2019-03-05 09:24:15 UTC

2019-03-05 09:29:33 UTC  

Yeah but not for the reasons they think. There’s been a recession coming since 2009/10 as there was mass credit expansion under the Obama admin. Almost 0% interest rates

2019-03-05 09:30:15 UTC  

This has set the stage for a-boom and soon a bust. Hopefully the bust is after 2021.

2019-03-05 09:31:27 UTC  

A prosperous socialist state is a waking contradiction

2019-03-05 09:32:08 UTC  

It would never happen, nor did the us “toppling” elected governments have anything much to do with it. Democratically elected is irrelevant.

2019-03-05 09:35:18 UTC  

Democracy is mob rule, not everything elected from that standpoint is correct. The us may have stopped many more deaths under socialism by doing this to some countries

2019-03-05 09:35:22 UTC  

For example Grenada

2019-03-05 09:35:53 UTC  

It’s short and simple, central planning always fails. There will never be a socialist state that works properly

2019-03-05 09:35:56 UTC  

And we see this today

2019-03-05 09:36:13 UTC