Message from @An Elbow

Discord ID: 447692031985451048

are they using the word *child* or are you spinning it again for emotion points.

because pro-choice pro-life is all about medical semanitics and economic realities

that's the only things you can argue in certainity

2018-05-20 09:23:25 UTC  

no, it is not.

any emotional argument is just fluff around those.

it doesn't say anywhere in that

that 'a child is not human nor living'

all it says is terminate pregnancy which you're assuming means that a 'fetus' is a 'child' and does the medical definition really mean that?

2018-05-20 09:25:08 UTC  

"are they using the word child or are you spinning it again for emotion points." ?
You dense pigeon. Child = a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.

young human when does something become human?

2018-05-20 09:25:31 UTC  

I made no assumptions

2018-05-20 09:25:37 UTC  


when does a gamete become a human?

2018-05-20 09:26:58 UTC  

Do you even know what a gamete is?

2018-05-20 09:27:14 UTC  

It is the singular for a sperm or egg cell

yes so when do the male gamete and female gamete 'become' human

2018-05-20 09:27:48 UTC  

There is no magical point at which they become human.

2018-05-20 09:27:59 UTC  

Pretty sure most argue at conception. But something I've never heard explored is instead of working forward from ejaculation to the point of becoming a human, what would be the point at which a newly born child stops being human working backwards?

is it at the very inception?

why at conception?

2018-05-20 09:28:18 UTC  

When a person will result

can the cell even *think*

*is it conscious*

does it *feel pain*

2018-05-20 09:28:36 UTC  

because then it will result in a person

these are all characteristics of a human

2018-05-20 09:28:45 UTC  

wrong questions

2018-05-20 09:28:48 UTC  


2018-05-20 09:28:52 UTC  

those are not

so you're saying to me 'something' that doesn't act at all like a human

is a human?

2018-05-20 09:29:04 UTC  


*because it will result in a person* so you're talking about consequences

so you're also going to ignore all the consequences that this puts on the woman?

2018-05-20 09:29:54 UTC  


you're not talking about it *being a human* at that very moment but

2018-05-20 09:30:19 UTC  

We live with the consequences of our actions

*it going to become a human*

2018-05-20 09:30:47 UTC  

to run from consequences is irresponsible and pathetic.

so why consider these consequences without the consequences of the host?

so people do not get to choose how their socio-economic environment is affected if they have sex?