Message from @♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ

Discord ID: 317714020524359681


Oy vey<:wellmemed:298380762712113152>

Bond pretty based lyrics

I wanna meet a fashy qt at a right wing rally

2017-05-26 17:18:09 UTC  

sup kikes

2017-05-26 17:18:58 UTC  

gotta stop by my church later tonight, maybe catch dinner there.

Dinner at church?

2017-05-26 17:19:59 UTC  

yeah we're doing all this prep work for the kids' summer program

2017-05-26 17:20:08 UTC  

tonight and tomorrow it's prop building

The fact is, our race cannot survive without nations exclusively our own. The fact is, America is dead as a White nation. It is a walking corpse, although we must remember that a dying (((beast))) is the most dangerous.

We have two options. One is to migrate back to Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine etc and warn folk there. The second is to try to form a White nation in the American continent.

Why not just gas all the non whites?


it is impossible

Around the whole world

And once again white people can be the master's of this world

Yes yes yes

it is impossible right now

2017-05-26 17:22:05 UTC  


Think serious for a fucking second

best thing we can do is rally together with eastern europe

they still have nationalism

warn them

show them how it looks in europe and america

2017-05-26 17:22:45 UTC  

Considering poland thinks "economic sanctions are worse than refugees"

2017-05-26 17:22:49 UTC  

I think they already know tbh

But do realize that such a new nation must begin surreptitiously. For various reasons I have advocated the Colorado Rocky mountains for a beginning.

Well yes Poland

2017-05-26 17:23:36 UTC  

Theirs always the annex canada option <:wellmemed:298380762712113152>

Tattoos, swastikas, confederate flags, emblems signifying racial pride are already the equivalent of painting a target on ones chest. Leave that to a few spokespersons who accept the risks. In an occupied country a wise man does not identify himself to the enemy. Sustenance and cleansing the new nation are subjects that are best not discussed here or publicly. Except to say, much must be clandestine. Cleansing actions must whenever possible be the work of lone wolves who tell no one else of their actions. Not wives, comrades, relatives or anyone. Braggadocio is suicide. As a philosopher said over 200 years ago “three can keep a secret if two of them are dead“.

Cleansing actions must whenever possible be the work of lone wolves who tell no one else of their actions.


I'm free to do this

2017-05-26 17:24:54 UTC  

If you're actually srs about that, I'd advise having children first 😛

Remember that for which we fight. For me it is to preserve the beauty of the White Aryan Woman on earth. It is not because of our ability to create technological gadgets. Our technology is always given to other races, and/or used against us. And that technology will be used in an attempt to spy on and destroy the nation we must create. Learn the meaning of cunning. Courage without cunning is suicide. Brave Aryans have killed brave Aryans for untold centuries while cowardly but cunning (((Jews))) rule the world. So under Nature’s harsh law, ie survival of the fittest, which was the more valuable trait? Cunning or courage? Actually we need both! I remain yours for truth, reality, reason and the 14 Words:We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

Of course, in the beginnings of the nation deniability must be maintained. No burning crosses, no swastikas and no literature distribution within Kinsland until the borders are defensible. And the cleansing must appear to involve accidents.

This brings us to the all-important subject of women, since reproduction is the first necessity for racial survival. Even the few, actually very few, women now dedicated to our cause are denying reality. The days of the suburban dream house, immaculate lawns, safe schools, homecoming queens and dances, corsages, chivalry, romance, etc., are over. The fairy tale life of the 1950s was a tiny unrealistic blip in the life of our folk and in the cold, hard history of civilizations.

Now we shall pay the price for destroying the racial character of our European homeland, and for not being vigilant on this continent. Nature is never fooled for long. Those who give up power, whether it is White males in particular or White people in general, will soon face slavery and extinction.” –

Us kikes might be deceiptful and cowardly but you whites are by far the biggest Cuck race. That's why your getting dispossessed. Y'all need to embrace your inner Hitler fam.

I have not embraced my inner Hitler

Then u are a cuck