Message from @Donaldus Triumphus
Discord ID: 527276771037413386
Alot of them on the right wing discord servers are tho but they might be trolling idk
Most of the people who say outlandish things at my school are just fucking around or want a reaction. There are few I’d say are legit.
Yeah they think it's funny
It wasn't like that 10 years ago
It's a waste of time
To be fascist or white supremacist
Just be conservative and get it over with
Are the bloods and crips a good representation of the democrats vs the republicans
Tbh a lot of the Nazi memes and jokes are pretty funny.
Can I send pics
Racists are banned from twitter
Christmas food is like one big laxative.
I'm having a Ribai Roast, I wouldn't know about that
I had some carne and some chicken, with corn, spanish rice, cheese and lettuce all in one big tortilla. Also 2 Dr. Peppers and some cherry pie.
Rn im actually in the shitter.
Well uh
Good luck
Is that Christmas food?
sounds like what I get at a burrito joint
Shout out to those who were or are turning your bathrooms into India. Merry Christmas!
what a strange time
@Deleted User You are right on that, usually Christmas food is some kind of ham or roast
Not a chicken burrito
Time conserving I guess
roasts take hours to make
Christmas food is food
And that's all i care about.
You guys should mention trump on twitter and get him on this server.
That'd be Godly, although not all dreams come true
Maybe when we get big enough lol, frankly if Trump did join we'd be stormed by Twitter libshits trying to break his balls
we had lamb
and today we had a pasta