Message from @Zeldarraria
Discord ID: 527927390660198430
thats the state of things
It's a Rightwing Safe Space, sure. Although it's simply a meme page, the difference is that the Dems safe space places are meant for debate
How come i can't say the homophobic f word
@Strider Most likely a bot
It is the bot
But i changed my name to it so ya
Why are you saying homophobic stuff? @Strider
Ill put down the statistics
this aint your daddys republican party
Wait how can you say it?
@EsotericAmerica That subreddit has most likely endured a lot, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they shock out too much gay
I posted some images in <#433755181805469706>
Let me guess this server is filled with a bunch of homophobic dumb asses
No just a bunch of homophobic conservatives, right wingers and republican trump supporter. You know the usual.
Are you left my good sir, ma'am, xyz.
What are you, liberal or something?
@Zeldarraria It seems you need a wake up call
Zap me straight daddy
@wahx We're going to need more power
Its and anti-gun/nra, trump hating, antifa supporting, men hating, anecdotal info using, LGBT supporting liberal.
Yeah too little and I’ll like it too much
I don’t think you guys will change my opinion
well ya no shit
Most liberals are never open to new ideas
Its rare to come across an open mind these days
*most people
lol, more like the other way round
@Zeldarraria What opinion
Conservatives have their own echo chambers
Like everyone
That Donald Trump is good
He is
Cool opinion bro
Look past his twitter page please