Message from @Strider
Discord ID: 527926104015765504
Well you loosen up security and people you don't want are going to get in, simple as that
Besides its a meme page
If it was open for debate, they would allow more people to come in
theres no debate
I cant say the homophobic f word
Of course theres no debate
@Donaldus Triumphus but building a giant wall is such a waste of money and he wants another country to pay for it
i literally went in there a couple weeks ago asking about the new chief of staff pick- i didnt know who he was and thought t_d would be the place to go to find out
They wont pay for it. But they will build it
when i entered chat and asked about him
i got attacked
"concern troll, what you dont trust trump?
thats the state of things
It's a Rightwing Safe Space, sure. Although it's simply a meme page, the difference is that the Dems safe space places are meant for debate
How come i can't say the homophobic f word
@Strider Most likely a bot
It is the bot
But i changed my name to it so ya
Why are you saying homophobic stuff? @Strider
Ill put down the statistics
this aint your daddys republican party
Wait how can you say it?
@EsotericAmerica That subreddit has most likely endured a lot, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they shock out too much gay
I posted some images in <#433755181805469706>
Let me guess this server is filled with a bunch of homophobic dumb asses
No just a bunch of homophobic conservatives, right wingers and republican trump supporter. You know the usual.
So yes dumb asses
Are you left my good sir, ma'am, xyz.
What are you, liberal or something?
@Zeldarraria It seems you need a wake up call
Zap me straight daddy
@wahx We're going to need more power
Its and anti-gun/nra, trump hating, antifa supporting, men hating, anecdotal info using, LGBT supporting liberal.
Yeah too little and I’ll like it too much
I don’t think you guys will change my opinion