Message from @t r u e
Discord ID: 538471202591735855
It’ll be a nice white picket fence
That’s like 3 feet tall
I sure do love democracy and compromise
@Deleted User is debate night gonna be VC?
Nope, it's going to be in the <#536758188016402452> chat.
wtf is going on
what is trumps new deal to reopen goverment
he's opening the government until February 15th. The democrats have until then to negotiate a deal with him, if they don't he will either declare a state of emergency or shut it down again,
in other words he will shut it down agian or do the emergancy
the reason he's doing this is because he wants to dunk on them with the SOTU
State Of The Union
Pelosi wouldn't let him do the SOTU unless the government was open
Ann Coulter is upset *like me*
Trump caved, no surprise
he will now try to build the FENCE via other means and will fail
I do agree on the opening of the government, he has gave another 3 weeks to create a deal but now people are getting paid, if they don't make a deal it gets shutdown again, same thing but people get paid now.
Oh hey, we hit 600 members
@jaina Hey how you doing?
I hope Trump either builds the wall or declares state of emergemcy and have the military do it.
Fact 1. Arabs screw goats
2. There are no gay bars or anything like that in the Arab world, minus Beirut
Are they onto something?
So honest opinion here, id rather vote for Ben Shapiro than Trump.
In fact. If he does run for President in 2020 I’m totally voting for him.
Trump didn't cave, what he's doing is actually a very smart strategy.
Also, I love Ben Shapiro but what he does best is debating. He wouldn't make that good of a politician.
In my opinion, he wouldn't get many votes from minorities.
I wouldn't want ben to be pres
So I’d fuck Ivanka if I ever got the chance. I’d throw out anything morally holding me back.
Oh my god.
I feel bad for Sanders because he would make a great candidate, but he'll never win the primary