Message from @Anon365

Discord ID: 547914955618385921

2019-02-20 22:29:30 UTC  

we have ice ages, we have droughts, its called weather over time and it happens on earth. It's the natural flow of the system and we have only been able to track weather patterns for the last 100 years so we have no data to go off of that says this is out of the norm compared to any other warm or cold spell we've ever had

2019-02-20 22:29:55 UTC  

sure, the earths temperature is changing, it does that all the time, we're not affecting it anymore than usual

2019-02-20 22:30:16 UTC  

Wait I have something for you

2019-02-20 22:30:18 UTC  

if CO2 was an issue than the earth would have died long ago from bodily emissions given off by the dinosaurs

2019-02-20 22:30:46 UTC  

This is a really powerful visualization

2019-02-20 22:30:56 UTC  

can't read it when its microscopic

2019-02-20 22:31:29 UTC  

Click the link

2019-02-20 22:31:35 UTC

2019-02-20 22:32:04 UTC  

This is just the last 400k years but still pretty surprising

2019-02-20 22:33:04 UTC  

the earths temperature is changing yes, but I don't believe it has anything to do with humans being the main cause.

2019-02-20 22:33:06 UTC  

And besides, the weather has changed before by a lot. However, it’s never changed before in a modern human society. It’s a lot easier to move a village of mud huts away from the rising oceans than it is all of Manhattan.

2019-02-20 22:34:29 UTC

2019-02-20 22:35:18 UTC  

correlation does NOT equal causation

2019-02-20 22:37:53 UTC

2019-02-20 22:38:13 UTC

2019-02-20 22:38:33 UTC

2019-02-20 22:38:55 UTC

2019-02-20 22:38:58 UTC  

you get the point

2019-02-20 22:58:25 UTC  

If it has been correlating for millions of years, then something is up

2019-02-20 23:01:31 UTC  

you can't run a true experiment because you can't randomly assign "treatment conditions" therefore you can never assume that correlation = causation. Doing so would be irrational in any scientific field. there is a possible association but there is no evidence that suggests that human activity is the cause and we will never be able to prove it.

2019-02-20 23:01:51 UTC  

association and correlation are two completely different things

2019-02-20 23:20:49 UTC  

The Poles are melting

2019-02-20 23:21:39 UTC  

Also, the correlation has happened over millions of years, if a correlation happens for that long, it's probably a causation

2019-02-20 23:24:56 UTC  

It’s not called global warming, it’s called climate change. You must’ve forgot to update your agenda

2019-02-20 23:25:20 UTC  

The words are interchangeable

2019-02-20 23:26:21 UTC  

What about the medieval warm period?

2019-02-20 23:27:55 UTC  

Yeah America is colder, but this is about **Global** warming.

2019-02-20 23:27:58 UTC  

But it’s “warming”

2019-02-20 23:28:07 UTC  

That’s like saying a cold day in summer proves it’s actually winter

2019-02-20 23:28:35 UTC  

There’s always gonna be warm and cold days. You have to look at the overall trend

2019-02-20 23:28:54 UTC  

The world as a whole is warmer, however that means America is temporarily colder due to some weather effect.

2019-02-20 23:29:30 UTC  

This happens periodically. It happens every 1000 years or so infact.

2019-02-20 23:29:36 UTC

2019-02-20 23:30:48 UTC  

Of course about 12000 years ago we came out of the ice age, so I mean since then.

2019-02-20 23:31:17 UTC

2019-02-20 23:31:59 UTC  

A bit crude I know, but observe the bumps, they are "warm" periods.

2019-02-20 23:34:11 UTC  

Bear in mind there is a lot of regional variation, for example, Greenland, it actually used to be a lot warmer.