Message from @cqc

Discord ID: 329107258124533760

2017-06-27 03:52:09 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:52:09 UTC  

idk about mind games though

2017-06-27 03:52:11 UTC  

so latter highly unlikely

2017-06-27 03:52:49 UTC  

she might just be trying to be innocent @cqc

2017-06-27 03:52:50 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:53:09 UTC  

i really have no clue

2017-06-27 03:53:26 UTC  

I mean it is a little hard without much more context

2017-06-27 03:53:33 UTC  

although I would say the advice is the same

2017-06-27 03:53:43 UTC  

btw what should i buy first? applejack fidget spinner, plushie, or go all the way for a waifu pillow?

2017-06-27 03:53:45 UTC  

This was a girl who knew I liked her but didn't push me away or anything

2017-06-27 03:53:50 UTC  

none of that shit Renaar

2017-06-27 03:53:53 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:54:03 UTC  

~~what if it's too late?~~

2017-06-27 03:54:04 UTC  

you should try to improve yourself and maintain a relationship unless you think it is absolutely no

2017-06-27 03:54:05 UTC  

you're a man, spend your money like one

2017-06-27 03:54:30 UTC  

spend my money on a graphics tablet so i can draw pone for myself tbh

2017-06-27 03:54:37 UTC  

yeah Renaar

2017-06-27 03:54:37 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:54:39 UTC  

do commission

2017-06-27 03:54:44 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:54:44 UTC  

draw some ponut for some Taco Bell moeny

2017-06-27 03:54:51 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:55:03 UTC  

i'd draw for myself but commission would be awesome tbh

2017-06-27 03:55:17 UTC  

ooooh did you see my sketches @cqc

2017-06-27 03:55:29 UTC  

wanna see?

2017-06-27 03:55:32 UTC  

>tfw you fed your weed habit by drawing cartoon horse vaginas in your days of NEEThood

2017-06-27 03:55:35 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:55:45 UTC  

did you??

2017-06-27 03:55:58 UTC  

i'm not proud of it

2017-06-27 03:56:02 UTC  

cqc is ex brony

2017-06-27 03:56:06 UTC  

most recent digital

2017-06-27 03:56:10 UTC  

a lot of cartoon horse cocks too

2017-06-27 03:56:11 UTC  

damn futafags

2017-06-27 03:56:14 UTC  

teach me bro

2017-06-27 03:56:16 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:56:17 UTC  


2017-06-27 03:56:24 UTC  

cqc convince him to draw normal things

2017-06-27 03:56:27 UTC  

like nazis

2017-06-27 03:56:30 UTC  

and ancap memes

2017-06-27 03:56:39 UTC

2017-06-27 03:56:47 UTC  

You should try for a really detailed Reichsadler.