Message from @Jerm
Discord ID: 477410946755592193
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) Done
AgriSA is pushing HARD for expropriation without compensation, their land audit is also super biased in favour of the left.
have some of you seen the conspiracies behind BB since inception?
Yea, some people see the BB as ZA's illuminati
so its all good and well that we are all talking about these issues and creating awareness i guess, but what are we going to do about is cheap in my world
@AcidOverride i wish everybody would do that, and farmers not to plant in the next two months until we have an official statement from the ANC on what their plans are...yeah they are going to amend the constitution....but to what??? why all this secrecy around this issue? what is the actual agenda? I am willing to take a bet some of these 139 farms (if there are any) will have raw minerals
IRR are currently overhauling their funder base. They've been pushing for it in recent weeks. They're moving away from corporate funding, towards independent funding like AfriForum. You should join the IRR. It's dirt cheap and they are very important.
But before you join the IRR, become a Jerm patron. It's about 50 bucks and I already have 35 patrons, and they're helping me draw cartoons that no editor or cartoonists wants to go near. I'm going to be touching on race and IQ; identity politics; leftism; etc. Then you can join the Patreon channel too (closed to the public). 😋
@Jerm have you been deplatformed completely or just have a lot of cartoons declined?
haha IQ? really do want to piss them of 😄
context was added later - that was a quote from one of the people at the land hearings
not ANC position
ohhhh WOW!!! ANC like to play games huh...thanks for that!
@Tom_Servo I'm not deplatformed. I have a lot of work, thankfully. (I'm the busiest I've ever been.) But there is still a bunch of satire that can only be published with the help of patrons. And I'm trying really hard to get satire back to its roots.
yeah, I think the race IQ thing would be a quick way to get deplatformed :-p
@Jerm Would you say there is a "class action" against cartoonists like yourself?
Here's my first race-IQ cartoon I've done, funded by patrons and collaborated with the patron alongside my signature.
@AK -47
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) No, I don't think so. But I do think radical leftism is fashionable and its adherents tend to be very vocal.
This cartoon was also funded by patrons, and rejected from every publication. Still went viral on social media though.
@Jerm ^^^ I really enjoyed that one.
You can add it to your "Best of Jerm" book one day when you retire.
Friends, please invite others and help grow this group. The link is pinned to the top.
Welcome @Scribbly_G
Scribbly is, in my opinion, one of the funniest cartoonists in SA. You must follow his work.
It seems that we are not allowed to celebrate women of a certian demographic...
Is this chat supposed to wipe or is it something to do with my settings?
@Scribbly_G love your twitter cover!
@AK Wipe? As in, it gets cleared? Are you on web or app?