Message from @Void
Discord ID: 287814619412692995
Sieg heil.
Wir werden unser Land wieder groß machen, mein Freund.
Hello niggers
Hey guys, I just got here from the VoL discord
How you doing?
I got here through UP
Got here from the /pol/ discord.
I got here from here what do I win
So for those who are out of the loop, we're aiming for meetups on the 18th.
Mobius1: Tell the mods of Anticom that I vouch for you as vetted members btw
Though it may seem counterintuitive, it may actually be beneficial to let this slip to Antifa. Some fights might make for good advertising material and publicity.
Anyone else in AZ at the rally today?
Pretty sure the shield guy was from us or VoL
i think vol considering the V
Blacks are equal
To shit
We need to find out who he is and bring him into the fold.
in AZ today we got the cops to kick out the leftists lol was funny
alaska were you at the rally today?
I'm in Nigger York is this real or am i being memed
I thought the same thing that he's from VoL considering the giant V. Could just be a design tho
>tfw leaf
poor leafs
Soros is in control of canada now..
i don't think he even needed to try with trudeau
John, no. I'm not in a highly populated area of Arizona plus I work a lot so I missed it.
Are you guys libertarian ancaps?
I'm a right authoritarian
Im not, i just really hate commies
Commies are niggers, andd niggers are commies
We have everything from full on natsoc to an ancap to libertarians
I'm a theocratic monarcho-fascist neo-imperialist
My coordinates are (4,6) on that