Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 284508755104890880
I'm sure we would've easily maintained our follower growth rate if /pol/ hadn't fucked us over
What did pol do?
We dont need pol
Ban Hammer
I thought those pol guys were a board of piece?
Try an anticom general minus the mention of this group
Someone post it, then.
My ban expires on Saturday
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe VPN's are a good way to get around bans
Yeah, I should do that.
Though you have to compensate for long load times if the data center is not nearby
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe If you provide me with a copypasta of all the relevant links and such I could post it.
Good fucking god what is this rainbow colored mess
tfw westcoast has been dark since last sunday
@Hernán Cortés one second fam
@Hernán Cortés
Official site is up! Meetups on the first weekend of March; location to be determined in a couple of days.
>Official Site
>Recommended clothing here
>Riot gear here
[email protected]
there's the pasta
@Verm It's the new color coding rank system
the /ag/ pasta
for posting generals
Give that a bump, boys
Why did you use the shittiest artwork? I remember making that in MS Paint a month ago lol
everyone give the thread a bump
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe i figured out a creed for anticom
What is it?
lol it's all good @Hernán Cortés , it's more a jab at my own shitty graphic design skills
it's kinda long, will dm
What happened
What do you mean darty?
All of a sudden the channels are all different and everyone has rainbow names. I take it we have gone public?
Yep, color-coded roles now
Site is up
Meetups will be finalized this weekend, and be scheduled for the following