Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 277908960810631170
yes they are
white is a speices
you peasant
lol no
I know wtf i am talking about
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe We need a channel for actually talking about the org, kek
are you a nip?
My skin is whiter than your skin probably
Goons are too soulless
No, I am a Southerner.
what's your ethnicity
@Anticom LR It's pointless
Ethnicity is a social contruct. Race is not
We gotta form our own org
I am a mongoloid race of homosapien speices
what's your race then
Too much shitposting
i dont get it are you a korean or nip?
We need to ban shitposters
We will get fucked over by antifa if we can't organize
my parents are from Korea
your not white then
well my family history is way more complicated than that
i mean i like koreans
but that's not white my dude
I am white lol. white is a species rather than race
europeans are white
@Papí We are defensive, afaik. Seek out any antifa protests and possibly make meetups for community service and shit like that so our org is considered the countrymen.
European descents are aryans
not true
central asian descents are caucasians
im not 'aryan' phenotype
I am using confederacy classification
but i am indoeuropean
not the federal reserve classification
my gf in hs was korean