Message from @Locus
Discord ID: 667243805593960448
bbc covers them up too
as much as i don't like alex jones, that remix is catchy as fuck
alex jones is an omega chad
Look up atrazine that is what is turning the frogs gay
its not a joke
In 2012, Syngenta, manufacturer of atrazine, was the defendant in a class-action lawsuit concerning the levels of atrazine in human water supplies. Syngenta agreed to pay $105 million to reimburse more than one thousand water systems for the cost of filtering atrazine from drinking water. The company denied all wrongdoing
People might say alex jones is a little crazy, and he is. But he knows alot of stuff. him and his team has read through 1000s of declassified government documents, so he is right to be sceptic after finding out what crazy shit the us government has done
How the hell does Atrazine turn frogs gay, and why are there frogs in the human water supply?
Those two questions blow Alex’s whole position up out of the water, unless he wants to change it to “the government are putting frogs in the fucking water supply and the chemical that makes them gay”
that's.... stupid and confusing
Exactly, so he just shouts “THE GAY FROGS” at everyone.
Alex Jones has to realize, he looks like a crazy conspiracy theorist and outright straw-man conservative. As near as I’m aware, he just yells and shouts about his thesis rather than going through the papers that supposedly prove it. That tells people nothing other than the fact that you like to shout.
It’s like a radio station that my Boss listens to: WVOM, the Voice of Maine. Not only are they just crazy, anti-science tories that have no grasp on anything but economics, but they also advertise erectile disfunction pills like it’s miracle tonic. Sounds to me like Alex Jones, and I don’t like WVOM
aleks jones is just bill hicks in foil hat mode
Lmao he has it to subs only so no one who doesn’t support him can speak
I was not prepared for about 90% of what I just scrolled past.
@Deleted User Quit it with racial slurs.
god this channel is boring now.
Glad i saved that meme before it was deleted lmao
@Bobby McBro WTF man
Well the channel title says what content I am expecting lol
@TeletubbyCancer all I am hearing is that what lead to the great depression was a lack of protection and regulation from the government.