Discord ID: 138490820738154496
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So basically Papa HH smoked too much weed one night, got super paranoid and nearly started a internet war. lmao
With googly eyes
Socialism is an umbrella term used to cover a wide variety of different styles of government anyway.
Btw here's the Teddy pic without it shaking.
And really he only says that so seem less scary to stupid people.
"But muh free murkit"
I think this should be "dementia patients forget everything yet still remember to be racist"
I mean it is the dev kit. They hardly look like the final product.
Fair enough. I will admit that it took me a minute to realize that its an upside down V for 5.
@Local Doomguy its the dev kit. I highly doubt it will look like this.
This aged like a fine wine.
I find DDLG to be the most disturbing kink.
If he's such a predator why hasn't someone put a bullet in Onision yet?
Definitely more gorgeous than the actual Sza
Pretty much. It's pretty implied that goblins make babies by kidnapping and raping human females. There was never a female goblin in the entire anime, but there were baby goblins. They also eat humans too.
Basically the entire premise of the anime is that it's your generic real life fantasy world but because people eventually "out-level" (there really are no levels they just get so strong) goblins that they stop taking on their kill quests leaving only rookie adventurers to fight them. The story follows one such adventurer and she runs into the Goblin Slayer. A mid tier adventurer (who could be higher rank) who exclusively kills goblins by any means necessary.
It's actually a really good, gritty fantasy anime if you can get past the fairly detailed rape scene in the first episode.
I don't believe in god. But it kind of feels like there is one.
"Let's make a guy with a huge 9" dick. And then make them feel like they should have been born a woman just for the lulz."
Do I even want to know what /b/ is?
LMFAO Mayo Pete what are you doing? I thought you majored in history at Harvard?
>gunman was homeless, mentally ill, had several arrests to his name including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Still gets a gun.
>stands up in front of several armed guards, brandishes his shotgun for 3 full seconds before he is able to fire three times, killing 2 people
But less gun control and more guns works?
How am I insane?
Are you referring to me or the Librarian? Because they posted that meme about the shooting to push their own political opinion. But I have a feeling you're only specifically referring to me.
I love this notion of "we can't talk about gun reform and issues revolving around mass shootings when they happen. Unless its a good guy with a gun, then we can talk about it all we want."
And after every shooting right-wingers scream "fewer regulations more guns!" What's your point?
This is a legitimate issue in America and people on the right refuse to have a serious conversation.
We can't even allow the CDC to conduct studies into gun violence as a whole.
Okay? People pointing out that Trump said several times, that Obama would start a war, specifically with Iran to get re-elected in 2012. And now it seems that Trump is trying to do just that with 2020. Is that not a valid criticism?
All I hear is SeaNanner's laugh with that prophunt gif
It's sad that people actually believe that
@TeletubbyCancer all I am hearing is that what lead to the great depression was a lack of protection and regulation from the government.
Yeah, I did. He said that the federal reserve failIng the other banks is what lead to the great depression.
Why do you think the Federal Reserve is part of the government?
@Cortah by your logic then Boeing and Lockheed by extension are sub-branches of the US military because they develop jets used by the US military. They use federal loans to help develop said jets as well.
So let me ask you guys this. What caused the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis?
And who were the ones handing out these mortgages with 1% interest rates to people who could not afford them?
So you're basically saying that the feds enabled this bad business practice of the banks due to their low-interest rates to the banks themselves?
But you admit that the banks were the ones who were actually doing the bad business practices that lead to the crash correct?
So then you agree that both the 08 crash and the great depression were caused because the banks got greedy.
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