Message from @EternalDarkWolf
Discord ID: 667528698450411520
@Dragun9500 not to jump in and 2 v 1 this but what makes you think a bank that has the only government license to literally print money and manipulate interest rates is not somehow an extension of the government even if it's called a "private" bank.
Its a manipulation
Sell it to the public as a private asset despite the fact that its government controlled
Dumfries my dude
Loche Doon
I mean
I like money
@Cortah by your logic then Boeing and Lockheed by extension are sub-branches of the US military because they develop jets used by the US military. They use federal loans to help develop said jets as well.
So let me ask you guys this. What caused the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis?
The exact same thing interest rates being set to 1% and increased liquidity being pumped into housing through subprime incentives.
Not glass stegal repeal
And who were the ones handing out these mortgages with 1% interest rates to people who could not afford them?
The interest for mortgages werent 1%
That was the fed funds rate
Where banks borrow from
So you're basically saying that the feds enabled this bad business practice of the banks due to their low-interest rates to the banks themselves?
And governments forcing subprime motgages
But you admit that the banks were the ones who were actually doing the bad business practices that lead to the crash correct?
Im not pro government business mixing
So then you agree that both the 08 crash and the great depression were caused because the banks got greedy.
They shouldnt have bailed them ouy
On that we can agree.
To an extent yeah
But i blame the root cause
The fed and the government