Message from @Repzion

Discord ID: 684191246478344248

2020-03-03 00:09:11 UTC  

Bear, yes

2020-03-03 00:09:12 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:09:20 UTC  

gonna heal u lain

2020-03-03 00:09:21 UTC  

@The Librarian muscle pics or lies

2020-03-03 00:09:22 UTC  

twink.......HELL TO THE NO

2020-03-03 00:09:29 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:09:46 UTC  

Are you an actual librarian?

2020-03-03 00:09:47 UTC  

then look in selfies Kerb

2020-03-03 00:09:57 UTC  

@Lain try some eucalyptus oil

2020-03-03 00:10:00 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:10:00 UTC  

wow, what an original question

2020-03-03 00:10:09 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:10:17 UTC  

I'm only asking because I'm currently studying to be an Archivist

2020-03-03 00:10:29 UTC  

Not trying to be rude or unoriginal

2020-03-03 00:10:32 UTC  

i have Librarian experience

2020-03-03 00:10:56 UTC  

yeaaa lain

2020-03-03 00:10:58 UTC  

Holy shit, you actually look like one of my teachers

2020-03-03 00:10:59 UTC  

ima heal u

2020-03-03 00:11:00 UTC  

what does librarian experience entail

2020-03-03 00:11:25 UTC  

Like, that’s an uncanny resemblance.

2020-03-03 00:11:44 UTC  

@EternalDarkWolf i love you

2020-03-03 00:11:58 UTC  

brett is missing

2020-03-03 00:12:04 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:12:17 UTC  

@EternalDarkWolf bretttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

2020-03-03 00:12:21 UTC  
2020-03-03 00:12:23 UTC  
2020-03-03 00:12:25 UTC  

Is it true that you have to complete your training at an ALA certified college? I find they're few and far between. U of O used to be certified but they lost that in the 60s I believe.

2020-03-03 00:12:27 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:12:28 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:12:30 UTC  

come bac

2020-03-03 00:12:51 UTC  

We dare not miss the meeting call >:v

2020-03-03 00:13:03 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:13:15 UTC  

Those are lyrics

2020-03-03 00:13:19 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:13:20 UTC  

I'm just singing like usual

2020-03-03 00:13:21 UTC  

Closest school to me certified by ALA is University of Seattle and I'm not about to move myself to the epicenter of coronavirus USA

2020-03-03 00:13:42 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:13:43 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:14:05 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:14:38 UTC  

My county just confirmed our first case a few days ago.

2020-03-03 00:14:45 UTC  
