Message from @ecce_lux
Discord ID: 425535924022280192
god damn it
this messes up what I was thinking about doing for the South Africa videos
I was going to use footage and make it polished looking
are you on steemit?
I don't know what that is
I'm barely computer literate
its not censored
u have to wait for a password...its very prestigious. they have their own youtube type platform called DTube
hm - I like the way that sounds
a place for blogs, etc
i just learned about waiting for my password
I have a lot of music related bullshit I just generally like and would like to upload - audio/visual collage - I like to edit video to music so I have all these dopey fan edits of footage set to music - might be a good place to upload
it most def would be
I'm finishing an edit in which I edited the ending of Terminator 2 to the nesest album by Perturbator - it's effectively a forty minute music video set to an album
If I can upload there I'll do it
right now, though, video downloading is my main concern
I have to have access to videos
without having fresh music and footage everything I'm into falls flat
Bitchute is a good one to play with in the meantime
yeah, but I like new music - I edit video all day long
it's a strange thing to say, but access to new music is what keeps my hobbie alive
most of what I edit never ends up on any platform
I have hours of stuff, but it's all for friends and family
I don't mean to vent - I'm venting
I'm going to figure out how to download again
I just have to use different software - non browser based
vent away 😃
I'm just bummed because I like to make fan edits to my favorite music and without new music it's literally impossible
I re-edited the whole movie Aliens (1986) to a set list I ccreated - it took me months to re-edit that movie and it was only possible because I was able to download music from YouTube
I mean, I got half of my music from albums I own, but there were a couple tracks that were impossible to purchase through normal means so I had to download
that was when I had a job - now I'm just generally poor
everything I do is for free and for fun / passion project
I wanted to download some jungle music and some noise art for my latest project
wow thats amazing!