Message from @Templar-CA
Discord ID: 296119727489679362
@Requiem You trying to dox yourself?
No that's my nephwe
yeah im gonna buy a shit load of stickers
I posted it in the wrong server
We need to save the doomsday prophet of the Mayan Strhem Meteor.
ill head up north to our large and well known party colleges
This is the future
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk we'll plaster San Francisco
That's a man, isn't it?
@Templar-CA most def
@Requiem was he the one that got pepper sprayed?
@Templar-CA @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk We got some badass new posters
"altright trolls" I need to stop using twitter
>tfw suddenly alt-right and not just a NAP abiding citizen
Should I shill the anticom server on the antifa thread?
Only a little
@Iamawesom I screen capped that scene too lol
Also I was back reading and this is like the most ironic thing
why would you shill us ? shill this to them\
that fucking intro holy shit my sides
hoi, I'm anitcom
I haet commees
Good luck with that in Toronto
They are everywhere >.>
Auger get vetted you fuccboi