Message from @EcoDIckmcgee
Discord ID: 287624823742398464
Alrighty lads
Going to a protest against the anti-islamophobia law here In Canada
Antifa Will try to block it
good luck man
stay safe.
Give'm hell.
Good luck!
what will? hte /pol/ post?
It's obvious.
i hope so
inb4 cries of racism
time check
Time to get a watch
1200s Catholicism shuffles my tendies
tfw not born as a 1000's kid
tfw no crusade
hopefully if cardinal burke becomes pope he'll change that
First thing is to legitimize SSPX
Then to Jerusalem
>tfw current pope is a cuck
>nuke current pope
>blame it on isis
>get uncucked pope next
>new crusade that has popular backing aswell
Literally can't go wrong
How do you guys feel about Bishop Williamson?
he looks grandpaey cuddly and isnt a cuck
The place I'm at has unforgiveably terrible connection. Can't find shit on periscope or FB live
>yfw king nig nog goes to jail next year
Trump is reigning in the Federal Government's power, congress is standing up for itself
Based man.
We might finally see our government following the constitution again.