Message from @E-Man Deak

Discord ID: 683369867855921181

2020-02-27 16:22:05 UTC

2020-02-27 16:22:59 UTC

2020-02-27 16:23:24 UTC

2020-02-27 16:23:35 UTC

2020-02-27 16:24:36 UTC

2020-02-27 18:36:28 UTC  

@tracyblack to get answers you'll need to post questions.

2020-02-27 22:20:43 UTC  

Second verse same as the
first,.. 😱
second,... 😧
third,... 😲
fourth,... 🤔
fifth,... 🧐
sixth,... 🙄
seventh,... 😡
eighth,... 🤪
ninth,... 😅
tenth,... 🤣
eleventh,... 😎
etc, etc.

2020-02-28 14:56:48 UTC  

Good morning, Patriots!

2020-02-28 15:57:40 UTC  

Official Trump Campaign video shows Q shirt at :55 mark!

2020-02-29 01:45:41 UTC

2020-02-29 04:00:17 UTC

2020-02-29 05:07:20 UTC

2020-02-29 11:48:03 UTC  

Netherlands got medication against carona virus

2020-02-29 13:31:47 UTC  

I'll log off and in

2020-02-29 15:42:47 UTC  

I forgot how to get my rank over on “Ask the Bot”. Is it *rank or #rank ?

2020-02-29 17:04:47 UTC  

its `!rank`

2020-03-01 20:44:42 UTC  

@caddychesty Good afternoon welcome to Discord

2020-03-02 03:59:26 UTC  

Discord again

2020-03-02 10:38:01 UTC  

For the longest time It kinda bothered me a little about the Q clock. I couldnt figure out where I had seen it before Q came along. Today I figured it out. 2 places . 1: Was a mexican millitary cipher wheel which lead me to this Antikythera Mech. Is it 100% Q clock I dont know. But it is very simular.

2020-03-02 10:41:49 UTC  

Does it mean anything ? I dont know. All I know is that I found what I was looking for. Q probably adapted its use for Q purpose.

2020-03-03 19:20:04 UTC  

Achive this offline folks

2020-03-05 00:50:15 UTC  

I wonder what would happen if an "army of digital soldiers" swamped this 2012 Trump tweet Q&A invitation with THE question ? ❓❓❓

2020-03-05 01:10:30 UTC  

None of my subscriptions on youtube are showing, i logged out and back in, still not showing. Seems odd.

2020-03-05 04:20:42 UTC  
2020-03-05 14:11:16 UTC  

Good morning, Patriots!

2020-03-05 16:10:28 UTC  

@everyone Why very little discussion about Q's trip code and apparent link to specific books in Google books?

2020-03-05 18:35:27 UTC  

@E-Man Deak Here's is an article you ought to read before jumping into the Ben Shapiro boat.

2020-03-05 19:09:06 UTC  

@lennymcd when Q changed his trip code anons took to searching google books for the new trip code to find there were zero results.
3 days later there were many relevant books in the same search with the new tripcode. this proved what the anons on qresearch had been saying from the start. Q team doesnt control the google books search results. google does...

when you search google books for a Q trip code googles algorythm merely looks for any topics related to that trip code, at first theres zero, but after enough conservatives attempt this the algorythm begins to recognize via the common trend in the browsing history of those searching for such a thing that it is conservative and conspiracy related. so the search results start giving you that sort of return.

anons on Qresearch have determined this to be the case many times over. this tool can help you go back and reread old research QResearch board has already done over.

2020-03-05 19:58:40 UTC  

@E-Man Deak have you considered that the label "Fool-Arounds" may be too soft a label and is a Politically Correct label you are applying to those who literally want to kill Patriots?

2020-03-05 20:58:21 UTC  

Why goodness @tattered flag, He has changed. Not to rude rude in any way but you obviously don't understand due to not listening to his podcast over the last year. On Super Tuesday, he literally said he will vote for Trump and wants him to win.