Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 674625281310326784

2020-02-04 16:23:26 UTC  

John 12:31-33 KJV

2020-02-04 16:23:27 UTC  

2020-02-04 18:36:01 UTC  


2020-02-04 18:36:01 UTC  

2020-02-04 18:36:49 UTC  

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6 KJV

2020-02-04 18:36:50 UTC  

2020-02-04 18:42:30 UTC  

This seems appropriate for all Patriots who are fighting for healing. Lifting a great Patriot, Rush Limbaugh up in prayers.

2020-02-04 19:53:59 UTC  

Hello, there is a guy I've been talking to today, he's a believer, but he has problems with shame, anger, and probably regret too, and needs to forgive himself of his past mistakes and sins, he hasn't read much scripture I suspect. he has and/or may have some other sins and/or bad habits to that he has trouble with, common stuff like lust, rebellion (like many of us I guess?) self-judgement.

I ask you all to pray for him, I think one thing he needs is a realization of how God's love for him is like, and that he doesn't need to worry about performance as a Christian, and that God can help him with all of his troubles and issues.

2020-02-04 21:19:31 UTC  

@Karl XII God not only will but desires to do so up to the point of giving us His only son as a propitiation for our sins. All he asks is that we believe in His love. We can prove our belief by looking into His word and following the simple steps He laid out for us. Acts 2:38 sums it up.

2020-02-04 21:19:32 UTC  

2020-02-04 22:14:47 UTC  
2020-02-04 23:37:01 UTC  


2020-02-04 23:37:02 UTC  

2020-02-05 04:38:00 UTC  


2020-02-05 04:38:01 UTC  

2020-02-05 05:49:33 UTC

2020-02-05 09:39:01 UTC  


2020-02-05 09:39:02 UTC  

2020-02-05 14:40:00 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:40:03 UTC  

2020-02-05 16:40:01 UTC  

Mathew 10:1-4 KJV

2020-02-05 16:40:01 UTC  

2020-02-05 16:41:12 UTC  

Mathew 10:5-8 KJV

2020-02-05 16:41:13 UTC  

2020-02-05 17:14:24 UTC  

Did you notice that Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, was one of those given power over unclean spirits and in verse 8 "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give? Does it seem strange that God would grant such great power to one who was working for the evil one? It seems to me this goes back to the parables about the wheat and the tares and how the rain falls on the just and the unjust. Didn't Jesus say there would those at the judgement who would come to Him and say, "Lord we've done great and mighty works in your name" and He'll say: "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never even knew you".

2020-02-05 19:41:01 UTC  


2020-02-05 19:41:01 UTC  

2020-02-06 00:07:52 UTC  

Proverbs 3:1-6 KJV

2020-02-06 00:07:52 UTC  

2020-02-06 00:18:27 UTC  

Mathew 16:13-18 KJV

2020-02-06 00:18:28 UTC  

2020-02-06 00:36:28 UTC  

So; What was that rock Jesus was talking to Peter about? Was it Peter? After all Peter (petros) means 'a little stone', but why would Jesus build His church on a fallible man like Peter (or any other man, born in sin as we all are). Look at the question Jesus asked Peter and the answer Peter gave. He then told Peter, "flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven". Could it be that His church is built on the revelation of who Jesus is? I believe that to be the truth.

2020-02-06 00:42:01 UTC  


2020-02-06 00:42:01 UTC  

2020-02-06 05:43:01 UTC  


2020-02-06 05:43:01 UTC  

2020-02-06 10:44:01 UTC  


2020-02-06 10:44:02 UTC  

2020-02-06 15:45:02 UTC  
